This teacher should get fired, it shows everything wrong with the educational system...

According to this woman, Obama will be giving free gas and pay for your mortgage if elected...

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Obama, Speading the Wealth to Everyone Except his Family...

With the economy in the shape that it is in, and with people having a difficult time, Obama has asked people for $5 or $10. He "don't care how poor you are, you got five dollars." And all the while he is saying this his half-brother, George Onyango, is living on $1 a month and living in a rundown shack. Then news comes out today that Obama's aunt, Zeituni Onyango, is living in slummy project housing. His uncle, Omar, was recently robbed, beaten, and then evicted from his Boston area apartment. Aun Zeituni and Uncle Omar were both written about in his book "Dreams From My Father." It seems he has not made an effort to look for them, let alone assist them.
Obama's grandmother, the "rock" of the family as he called her recently broke her hip. Obama took a few days off of the campaign to go and visit her. It was announced on a Monday that he would be leaving to campaign trail, yet he did not leave until Wednesday afternoon. If this is not a sign of how "strong" he feels about his family, then maybe what he wrote about this "rock" in "Dreams From My Father" might help. In the book Obama describes his grandmother as " a woman who helped raise me, a woman who sacrificed again and again for me, a woman who loves me as much as she loves anything in this world, but a woman who once confessed her fear of black men who passed by her on the street, and who on more than one occasion has uttered racial or ethnic stereotypes that made me cringe."
How can Obama help ANYONE, when he throws his family under the bus, and does nothing to elevate them from their current social-economical positions? He can't and won't.

Obama has spent over $600 million dollars on his campaign, and just tonight spent between $3-5 Million on a 30-Minute Infomercial about himself, per station. Most of the money is from undisclosed sources. All of these small puzzle pieces are coming together, maybe a bit late, but for the sake of this country, I hope not.

No comments:

Obama, Consistently Late...

I thought Politicking was illegal, the polls are an arms reach away...

Take his word for it, he didn't have the experience to run in 2008...

Bar None the best video on the net. Zo says what a lot of us feel...

Sec. 42, What is Changenism? He also said we should spend more...

Similarities between Obama and Ayers...

What Just Happened?...

Biden, How many letters in the word jobs? I think your campaign is full of the last 2...

Obama's Youth on the Parade...

Someone at CNN has integrity....

Spread the Wealth, Obama will punish your success...

Obama spent 1000 Sundays...

CNN found a grain of journalistic integrity...

Farrahkan speaks on Obama "The Messiah"...

The Obama Campaign, full of gaffes...

How could Obama not have known? He worked with Bernardine Dorhn, a Weather Underground Terrorist

The Obama Youth. Brainwashed kids is really sad to see.

Barney Frank gets lit up by O'Reilly...

Wow, the truth is leaking out thanks to You Tube

Wow, The Obama Youth. Only Communists have ever had that, Hitler's Youth, Castro, Chavez

Blame Dem. Barney Frank, not Bush

What are the two mortgage agencies called Obama?

Old, but Good. The President should know how many states are in the union.

So Obama, tell us who has the most negative attack ads...

Joe Cook, We Thank You! This was not paid for by the McCain campaign.

Bush was not alone, Biden said we should go in too. Obama was a Community Organizer at the time.