This teacher should get fired, it shows everything wrong with the educational system...

According to this woman, Obama will be giving free gas and pay for your mortgage if elected...

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Obama, Speading the Wealth to Everyone Except his Family...

With the economy in the shape that it is in, and with people having a difficult time, Obama has asked people for $5 or $10. He "don't care how poor you are, you got five dollars." And all the while he is saying this his half-brother, George Onyango, is living on $1 a month and living in a rundown shack. Then news comes out today that Obama's aunt, Zeituni Onyango, is living in slummy project housing. His uncle, Omar, was recently robbed, beaten, and then evicted from his Boston area apartment. Aun Zeituni and Uncle Omar were both written about in his book "Dreams From My Father." It seems he has not made an effort to look for them, let alone assist them.
Obama's grandmother, the "rock" of the family as he called her recently broke her hip. Obama took a few days off of the campaign to go and visit her. It was announced on a Monday that he would be leaving to campaign trail, yet he did not leave until Wednesday afternoon. If this is not a sign of how "strong" he feels about his family, then maybe what he wrote about this "rock" in "Dreams From My Father" might help. In the book Obama describes his grandmother as " a woman who helped raise me, a woman who sacrificed again and again for me, a woman who loves me as much as she loves anything in this world, but a woman who once confessed her fear of black men who passed by her on the street, and who on more than one occasion has uttered racial or ethnic stereotypes that made me cringe."
How can Obama help ANYONE, when he throws his family under the bus, and does nothing to elevate them from their current social-economical positions? He can't and won't.

Obama has spent over $600 million dollars on his campaign, and just tonight spent between $3-5 Million on a 30-Minute Infomercial about himself, per station. Most of the money is from undisclosed sources. All of these small puzzle pieces are coming together, maybe a bit late, but for the sake of this country, I hope not.

The Obama LA TIMES Video...

Newt Gingrich has offered $50,000 for a copy of the video of Obama toasting the Anti-Semite and PLO Operative Rashid Khalidi. I have no problem donating additional capital to make this a reality. The LA Times would have no issue outing a video about McCain or Palin. If Obama has nothing to hide, then why not air the video? If he does have something to hide, then the American People have the right to see it before voting.

Obama and the Weather Underground...

Zombie Time has more "coincidences" between Obama and the Weather Underground. How many more of these "coincidences" and connections to Marxist, Far Left People and Groups does America need to realize that there is a repeated pattern of radical associations?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Open Letter to Bill Ayers...

Terrorist Ayers,
In reading more and more about you, your despicable acts, and your out of touch beliefs, I am left to wonder as to why you are still living in this country? With such hatred for this country and what this country stands for, it makes absolutely no sense for you to stay. Please welcome this as an excuse to leave, I will pay for your airfare. With so many countries around the globe currently becoming Social-Communist, why not move there? Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, or Iran will all welcome you with open arms. I am in awe at the fact that you are trying to change a country, a great country, into something it does not want to become. This country and it's founding documents (The Constitution and Declaration of Independence) are documents that could not be further from your ideology.
I have thought long and hard, you already escaped your fate once, the fate you deserved, a long jail sentence and probable execution. You even went into hiding and came out in 1980. Why did you ever come out, why not leave to a place that shares your beliefs as so many other communists have? Simply because you are a coward. The more I read about you, the more I realize that you are a coward, all of your acts show it. You are a person of rhetoric, and just rhetoric. The women in your life have always been the ones to do your dirty work for you. It was Bernadine Dhorn and Diana Oughton who conducted the bombings, and even made the bombs. It was your mom who with her connections assisted you in getting off the charges on a technicality. Why hide behind all of these women? Why not come out and say who you are. There have been numerous attempts to interview you lately, but you refuse to speak. Your organization acted at a time when this country was at war, a time of weakness. The last time you spoke out was with your NY Times interview on 9/11/2001, when this country was down and had been attacked. Why punch when our backs are turned and why kick us when we are down? Because you do not have the guts to do so when we come up and face you, because you are a coward. Currently, you should be tried for child abuse, the mental kind, by brainwashing and indoctrinating the kids you teach. Just leave, pack up and leave. We don't want you here. And this country is far too great for the likes of your wife and you. Your other options? Come out and face America, don't hide, face us Americans for what you did.

Ohio Voters...

Homeless Voters in Ohio can use park benches as their addresses, a Ohio judge ruled. I am not quite sure how to respond to this. I will try my best to not offend anyone, but how exactly do you list a park bench or other places not buildings as addresses? This is going to lend itself to tons of voter fraud, most homeless do not even have identification. So if I understand this correctly homeless people (or those pretending to be), without identification, and without an address, can go and vote, multiple times, who is to say they are not lying. How do you verify they are real without those two documents?

Democrat Control...

The Democrats are dying to control everything and have the filibuster proof 60 seats. Nancy Pelosi had the gall to say "Elect us, hold us accountable, and make a judgment and then go from there. But I do tell you that if the Democrats win and have substantial majorities, Congress of the United States will be more bipartisan." Seriously, seriously, more bipartisan? This coming from the "Do as I say not as I do" party? This from the party who does not respect your ideals, or morals, does not respect the Constitution, or your religious beliefs, or gun rights, yet expects you to be compassionate and understanding of their beliefs? This "Compassionate Party" who feels it is their right to murder unborn babies, or those partially born? The same ones who believes that you have the right of freedom of speech, that is unless you are saying that does not agree with their beliefs. Seriously, more bipartisan. I'll take a pass.

Monday, October 27, 2008

African Press...

The African Press has written a story warning Americans that if Obama is not elected, blood will be shed like what happened in Kenya. They make a comparison to what occurred when people in Kenya were brainwashed to vote for Odinga, Obama's self declared cousin and whom Obama campaigned for, and change. When that change did not occur people turned violent and went into the streets chaotically and murdered lots of individuals.

The African Press is also working with an American cable news network to release the controversial Michelle Obama interview.

Obama's "Tax Cuts"...

Obama has all of these promises, promises which I have stated I have no idea how he will pay for. Unfortunately, Obama is not telling you that in 2010 he will let the Bush Tax Cuts expire. My wife and I will be paying close to $4,000 more in taxes, and we make a whole lot less that $250,000. This coupled with higher Capital Gains taxes, more spending, and higher taxes on businesses and life might really become unaffordable here. Corporations pass higher taxes on to the consumers which mean higher prices on everything, including bare necessities. Ned Barnett wrote a great article on Obama's Tax Lies for American Thinker. Read it, it is a great breakdown of what Obama is not telling you.


Audio has surfaced of Obama speaking of Redistribution of Wealth in 2001, and then there is the Biden interview. Both disturbing realities of what is to come if they get elected. Barney Frank has called for 25% cut to funding to the military. And the liberals want to take over your 401ks. If this is not disturbing to the people who refuse to look at the facts about Obama, then they will get what they deserve.
Biden, in the interview states that the middle class has shrunk. It has, the middle class has shrunk by 11%. In a totally "unrelated" bit of information, the upper class has grown by 11%, totally unrelated.
The truth is Americans has prospered and the liberals hate People who prosper and do not need their help to do so.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A Great Article by a Democrat...

This article is a great read, it is written by a Democrat with journalistic integrity as an open letter to all journalists. Orson Scott Card sees the truth.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Now Socialist is another word for black...

Lewis Diuguid of the Kansas City Star has published an article stating that using the term "Socialist" to describe Obama is a racist term. A comment on the article asked the following good question: "Help us providing all of us idiots with a list of acceptable words we can use that won't be construed as racist. It's bound to be a short list and at least we won't accidentally offend That One or You." It seems that any person who is against Obama, no matter the reason, is a racist. There is no term that can be used anymore. We cannot say he is inexperienced, because that is racist. We cannot say he is a "community organizer," even though he held that profession, because it is racist. We cannot state that he is "palling around with terrorist" because it is racist. We cannot bring up Jeremiah Wright, who loathes white people, because it is racist (Funny how this works out). Don't anyone dare refer to him as "that one," even if his supporters refer to him as "The One," it is racist. We can't even say his Presidency could be dangerous due to his voting record, because it is racist. So we are left with very few terms, and I personally, as the comment states, would like a list. I would like a list of words that we can use. Uncanny enough though, they can call conservatives whatever they like. Sean Hannity was called an anti-Semite by an Obama staffer, just because it felt good. They can say and do whatever they like without preconditions or consequences. I find the media, and the whole political environment of the liberals disgusting. Obama is a Marxist communist, I guess there is no way that phrase could be misconstrued as racist. I have a few more words to describe it all, but I am not in the mood to be labeled a racist.

Steal a McCain sign get free pizza...

Michelle Malkin has posted a link to a Detroit Fox affiliate who found a neighborhood pizza place giving away free pizza for McCain signs. Obviously she is an Obama supporter (as seen on her button) and she gives a pretty lame excuse for people to steal signs and take them in. If she has the right to do that, well I have the right to publish the phone number of the establishment. Let Salvatore's Pizzeria of Detroit know what you think at (586) 574-0023, they are located at 30830 Ryan Rd, Warren, MI. I wonder what she gives for an Obama sign?

Another Obama, Messiah reference...

Someone on the liberal nutjob website Daily Kos has stated that Obama could be the Second Coming of Jesus. The liberals, who do not believe in God, and ridicule any person that does, has engaged in so much blasphemy that it is really appalling.


Obama's tax plan involves a supposed tax cut for 95% of Americans. He is also going to give healthcare to all Americans. The liberals have also asked for $1 Trillion in spending. Obama has already demonstrated that he agrees with about $900 billion of that. Add all of that to the $700 billion bail out, and I am just wondering how he intends on paying for all of this? Bill Clinton ran on a platform of lowering taxes for the middle class, but raised them as soon as he got into office. Barney Frank stated on CNBC yesterday that taxes should be raised at a point down the road, and that there are "plenty of rich people we can tax." When I look at this, and Obama's statement about "spreading the wealth," I see big problems in the making.

Furthermore, Biden stated that because of Obama's inexperience, he would be tested with an "international crisis." Now why would any person want to vote for someone who, if elected, is "mark (his) my words," will get tested? We are not in a situation where we can handle a "generated crisis." So putting all of these factors together, coupled with his socialist views, his associations, and inexperience, I can't see why anyone would vote for him. The People of this country need to wake up.

Below is the St. Obama votive candle found in the streets of San Francisco

Friday, October 17, 2008

The Elite Obamas...

It has been reported that Michelle Obama called for room service at 4 PM while at the Waldorf-Astoria for the Al Smith Charity Dinner. What did she order? Lobster hors d'oeuvres, two whole steamed lobsters, Iranian caviar and champagne. The NY Post's Page Six received the tip. I guess they can really relate to the American People. With orders like that, who would have thought that the economy was doing so poorly.

Question: I wonder if they sat and ate the Iranian Caviar without preconditions.

Obama supporters running rampid with fraud...

If it was not enough for ACORN to be out their committing hundreds of thousands of voter fraud. A disabled man in Georgia was taken to vote, his aide would not let him vote for McCain, so she selected Obama against his wishes. Obama supporters also tried to get access into correctional facilities to get people to vote. There seems to be a pattern of criminal activity from Obama supporters.

Also, Obama has had a string of people coming out to support Obama. Recently, Fidel Castro found it necessary to endorse Obama for President, not once, but twice. A murdered on Death Row also endorsed Obama right before being given the lethal injection. I thought, too bad he won't be able to vote, but then I realized that with ACORN out there, he might actually still have a chance.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Joe the Plumber...

He outed The Messiah on his socialist views, and now the media has decided to investigate gate him. It took a whole 24 hours for them to vet Joe, too bad they did not have the same enthusiasm to vet Obama over the last couple of years. It is really sad when the media decides to go after a plumber because he took the spotlight away from their Golden Boy, and put him out to be the Marxist we all knew he was.

Joe the Plumber has two tax liens which the media has now gone after. What is interesting is that both Michelle Malkin and Patterico have brought to light that Obama's Campaign Treasurer also has personal and corporate tax liens, yet that will not be reported. Wouldn't that be more relevant? All the guy did was ask a question and now he is getting hounded and the media is trying to destroy a normal American's life, all for asking The One a question, in which Obama answered truthfully, displaying his socialist views.

They say Ayers is not a big deal...

I believe it is, and here is why. In 40 years if they became professors, but were still unrepentant of their crimes, self labeled communists, and were radical with their education ideals, I could never hang out with the likes of:
-Richard Reid the Shoe Bomber
-Ted Kaczynski the Unabomber
-Timothy McVeigh the Oklahoma City Bomber
-Osama bin Laden
-Ayman al-Zawahiri
-Ramzi Yousef
-Adam Pearlman (Azzam the American)
-Zacarias Massaoui
-The Fort Dix Six
-Jose Padilla

Or any other terrorist. If any of the listed repented what they have done, I still would not start my career in their living room, or serve on TWO boards with them. It does not make sense, Ayers is unrepentant, and has stated that they should have done more. I would not have to distance myself or defend myself against accusations of being close to a terrorist because I would never.

Joe (Biden) talks Joe (The Plumber) down...

In an interview this morning, Joe Biden stated that he has no Joe the Plumbers in his neighborhood. Joe the Plumber wants to live the American Dream and purchase a business that makes more than $250K, not one where he is making more than $250K. I wonder if this is the same neighborhood where Home Depot is (The Home Depot that no one has ever seen him in), or where Katie's Restaurant (Which closed 25 to 30 years ago).

McCain needs help...

Someone please get him a defibrillator, he needs all the help he can get. During last night's debate, Sen. John McCain stopped short each time he had the chance to finish Obama off. Obama has yet to actually seal the deal himself, but McCain has had the chances to. There were so many untruths stated yesterday by Obama, and McCain never fired back on them. First off, the Secret Service has come out and stated that "Kill Him" was never yelled at any McCain or Palin rally. This seemed like a ploy by Obama to obtain some sympathy. There was also a moment in last night's debate when McCain stated that Obama told Joe the Plumber that he wanted to "spread the wealth." Obama was shaking his head when McCain brought up the fact that Obama wants to "spread the wealth around." It is what he told the Plumber, but now he was backing out of it as he has about everything else. (Go to minute 9:21 to see.) McCain could have hammered Obama on the fact that he sat on TWO boards with Ayers, and he could have furthered hammered the fact that his political career WAS started in Ayers' living room, which Obama lied boldly to the American people, this is after his campaign had already confirmed it. The ACORN ties were left loose, and Obama was able to refute those with lies. McCain could have brought up Jeremiah Wright, which he refuses to do, and I honestly am dumbfounded by why he would not. Obama's abortion record is clear, he is for Freedom of Choice. Freedom of Choice takes away ALL restrictions on abortions. Obama lied again about his votes while in the Illinois Senate, but McCain failed to deliver. Obama is for tax payer funded abortions, again McCain failed to deliver. This was the only opportunity that McCain had left to tell the American People, the media is not reporting this, but he failed. McCain should have also focused on Obama's inexperience.

I am unsure as to who is going to win, and quite honestly I do not think either of them are suited for the job. But one of them is going to be elected, and Obama has an extensive record, a repeated pattern, of bad judgement. It is either bad judgement that he has had in the past, because he continues to change his position and his past, or it is who he truly is. If he gets elected we will see a tremendous change in America, but it will not be the change Obama is promising. Obama won the Democratic nomination through his far left policies and ideology, but now he has been shifting to a more Populist ideology to obtain more votes. If he gets elected, I can guarantee that he will not keep the popular platform he has run on.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Good Ol' Chuckie Schumer Again...

As the Wall Street Journal is reporting, Chuck Schumer is flip-flopping and being a hypocrite, as is common with the left.

What Happened to Global Warming?...

Global Warming has gone away as this election and the economy have taken the front pages. Why? Not because these are most important things, but because Global Warming has gone away, and the media and liberals have now moved their obsession to Obama, and away from Climate Change. I have never been a believer that global warming was a man made disaster and that the world would soon end. Although I believe we should take care of this world, I do not think that we are that significant to cause such a dramatic climate change. Many scientists have proven that climate change is cyclical and that the world goes through cooling and warming cycles. Earth has actually not warmed in temperature since 1997. And today I saw countless articles about the glaciers growing and record cold temperatures. Go figure. I have linked the articles below.
Alaska glaciers grew this year, thanks to lousy weather

Frost 'one more thing' for grape growers

Weekend cold set new record lows

Socialists/Communists/Marxists for Obama...

While researching who backs Obama, I found a few interesting people. This country has it's own Communist and Socialist Parties, yet a large number of Socialists, Communists, and Marxists are backing Obama. Why? The Youth Communist League has backed Obama, the Chicago New Party and the Democratic Socialists of America have as well. You would think that with all of this news out Obama would try to separate himself from this, but on the Community Section of his website he has his own section for Socialist, Communists, and Marxists for Obama. It really is beyond me as to why people still support him when those are the likes that support him.

Obama "warned" on the suprime meltdown...

According to his campaign, Obama warned about the sub-prime meltdown two years ago in a letter that no one has ever seen. There was a vote on the floor of the Senate a couple years back, a bill that could have avoided this mess, but Obama voted as he has many times, present. How did that help the situation that he states he was aware of? The Democrats were opposed to this bill, and yet he could not muster everyone together for a vote on something he supposedly knew was in trouble. The Wall Street Journal has a great article about this here.

More voter fraud in Ohio...

Michelle Malkin has a great piece about more voter fraud going on in Ohio. It can be seen here. I wonder when the media will catch up with this story.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Socialism in Disguise...

I am trying to make sense of Obama and his economic plan, his Senior Economic Advisor has stated that it is not redistribution of wealth, even though Obama himself stated that he would "Spread the Wealth Around." So unless we are arguing semantics, spreading and redistributing wealth are essentially the same thing. It is not the first time that Obama has spoken about redistribution, because I believe it is what he agrees is right (He is obviously wrong). There is another Obama wording that gets me to further believe he is a socialist.
Obama's tax plan is very convoluted, and he is hell bent on heavily taxing the "rich." Obama's campaign has a talking point about McCain and the frequency, or lack there of, of the use of the term "middle class." Obama solely uses the word, but never speaks about any other class. He has not stated what he would do for the "lower class." That is because Obama does not believe in the class system, a Marxist view. Obama has grouped together all "working class" Americans in one term he has called the "middle class" to appeal to Americans. Why? Because with him in office there will be no "lower class," he will pull them up into the middle, and there will be no "higher class" because he will pull them down into the middle as well. My question to Obama would be, once you cut everyone's taxes, those 95% he speaks about, and gives additional money to the "lower class," even if they do not pay taxes, then taxes the higher class until they pretty much become a part of the middle, who will then pay the taxes? I assume it will be corporations, both large and small businesses, but he already wants to heavily tax them, although we have one of the highest corporate taxes.

It seems like this plan is a plan for more massive bailouts, because once businesses begin to fail from high taxes being levied, the government can take over. And it will lead to a Socialist country.

On a separate note, I am truly exhausted of Obama being shoved down my throat. It is not enough that his campaign is heavily paying for ads both on print, radio, television, plus the obvious media bias, but now 30 minute prime time segments, video game spots, and 15 page textbook spreads. I assume I am not alone on this, but I feel like I will be brainwashed like the "Sing for Change" kids.

Rep. Tim Mahoney...

Rep. Tim Mahoney of Florida has been caught cheating. Yet the media's reaction has played back more of what occurred with Mark Foley, Mahoney's predecessor than the scandal involving the Democrat. Why? Well they need all of the seats they can get for the left. Here is what bothers me, not the media coverage, because that was to be expected. It was Mahoney's statement. Mahoney released the following statement whole sitting next to his wife "I have not violated my oath of office, nor have I violated any laws, and I consider this to be a private matter, I take full responsibility for my actions and the pain I have caused my wife, Terry, and my daughter, Bailey. No marriage is perfect, but our private life is our private life, and I am sorry that these allegations have caused embarrassment and heartache. I have requested that the House Ethics Committee investigate the false allegations that have been repeated in the press. I want to be clear that I have not misused campaign funds and I am confident that when all the facts come to light, I will be completely vindicated."

He then continued to state that the release of this information so close to the elections was "politically motivated." Well I guess everything is, wasn't Mark Foley's outing "politically motivated?" The only difference Mr. Mahoney is that you ran on a campaign platform of "faith, family and personal responsibility." And what you did sir, not only stomps your entire platform, but it makes you a fraud. Furthermore, how "personally responsible" is it when you try and hush your mistress for the elections by giving her hush money?

The left is entitled to do whatever they want, and be as morally corrupt as they'd like, but it is only the right who is held accountable. This does not go unnoticed by the American people, though, and believe it or not they do care.

Update: A second affair has come out of the Mahoney story. It seems the first mistress got upset that she was not the only "other woman" and threatened to sue for sexual harassment. Rep. Mahoney then gave her the hush money so that she would not. Well it seems she will anyways. I thought he said he did nothing illegal? As far as I know sexual harassment is not legal in any state.

33 Minutes...

The Russians tested four long range missiles over the weekend. The Heritage Foundation has produced a series of videos and a website entitled "33 Minutes," the length of time it would take for a catastrophic missile to hit the United States and cause mass casualties and damage. Unfortunately, we do not have the Missile Defense System we should. If Obama were to be elected, he would cut defense spending, at a time when it is needed.

With Obama, the buck stops here (at $250K)....

If Obama becomes President, the American Dream becomes an audacious hope. Why? Because with Obama the American Dream stops at $249,999. Any income after that and you become a part of the rich, a part of the hated. What do they do to the hated, the rich? They tax them heavily, because your success is also your downfall. The rich (5%) already pay 95% of taxes, but Obama wants to give tax breaks to the other 95% even though 40% out of those 95% do not pay any taxes. I currently make less than 20% of that $250,000 threshold, but I am opposed to the idea of highly taxing those individuals. One day I hope to succeed to a point where I am making that amount or more, and my sweat and sacrifices will get me there. Why, after all of the sacrifices, should my wealth and success be redistributed? It should not. This country will suffer greatly with the redistribution of wealth. Robin Hood was a fairy tale for a reason. The reason this does not bother the Democrat Elite is because they do not make large sums of income, most of their money is inherited or was previously made. The Democrats needs the people to need them, otherwise their existence is pointless.

Obama has stumbled backwards again, and changed his mind on another position he is taking. Obama has now adopted Hillary Clinton's Economic Plan, yes, the one he called "disastrous." We will wait and see if the media decides to point out another one of his flip-flops. I highly doubt it.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

John McCain tried to stop the Fannie/Freddie meltdown...

But Obama's name was nowhere to be found. The letter was just signed by a group of Republican Senators. Human Events has published a great article and has posted a copy of the letter here. Obama states he wrote a letter, I think he should publish it, that is if he DID write a letter, which I highly doubt. It is probably another lie, his campaign is based on them.

Friday, October 10, 2008

The Obama Youth, Again...

Michelle Malkin reported that an Obama supporters are holding a "Kids for Obama Parade" in Seattle. While researching more on this topic, I found out that this is an event that is sponsored by the Obama Campaign. Their website is advertising the event. "At 2 pm, rain or shine, children and teens will express with words and drawings their hopes for the future of America on "wish flags" that will be mailed to Obama. The first 300 kids will be given a helium balloon, an expression of solidarity. At 3 pm, the "Kids for Obama Parade" will skip, toddle, stroller, rollerblade, pedal, and red-wagon clockwise around Green Lake in a cloud of red, white, and blue balloons and a garland of kid-made wish flags." The wish flags will be mailed to their Oh Great Leader. I do not understand how parents are allowing their kids to be brainwashed with this garbage, this is indoctrination, and justice must be served. This is a form of child abuse.

In New York, they are also having a "Barack-toberfest" which I assume is when one drinks enough to forget that their vote is going to a socialist.

In California, they are having the "Drive for Change" campaign. They want supporters to drive to Nevada, I guess ACORN is not doing enough fraud and need help, and canvass voters to vote for Obama. How does hundreds of supporters driving their cars to Nevada help the environment? Isn't that making everyone's carbon footprints bigger? And with the economy doing so poorly, it is a lot to ask for people to drive so far. Speaking of the economy, with the vast amounts of money that Obama is receiving, anyone looking from the outside would think that the economy was just fine. He even purchased 30 minutes segments on Primetime television. It goes to show you that his campaign is not a campaign of Change and Hope, but a campaign of Fakery and Hypocrisy.

Meeting without Preconditions...

It has not been widely publicized, but the Obama campaign met with Council of American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the Muslim American Society, the Wall Street Journal reported. Now one might look at this and not see a big dilemma in meeting with Muslim American organizations. The problem is that these two particular organizations have recognized ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas. Obama is an appeaser, he is a socialist appeaser. Yesterday, I posted a quote from his book "Dreams from my Father." I believe that it applies in this case as well.
"To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists."

I guess we can now add the Islamic organizations with terror ties. Who is the real Obama? And why must someone who is trying so hard to appease and not be a sell out, qualified to lead this free nation? As always, the Obama campaign has come out and stated that they were wrong in doing so. With so many errors in judgement, at what point in time do we just see that it is repetitive behavior. When can everyone realize that maybe it is not a mistake, and in reality who he is?

Update: Little Green Footballs has posted that aide from supporting Hamas, the Muslim organizations also have demonstrated support for Hezbollah.

Why people do not care if Obama is a Socialist...

Paul Kengor, of the American Thinker, has written a great article about Obama's socialist and communist associations and why it is not reported and ignored. This article is a well written explanation of why Obama has radical associations and supporters, and yet nobody seems to mind. When socialist and communist individuals and parties support a candidate, when the Black Panthers, ACORN, The Democratic Socialists of America, the Nation of Islam, and known terrorists are your biggest supporters, why does that not say something about the policies and ideology of that individual? I believe it says it all.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Obama and Ayers, "he thought he was rehabilitated...

Barack Obama was interviewed and stated that "The gentleman in question, Bill Ayers, is a college professor, teaches education at the University of Illinois," he said. "That's how i met him -- working on a school reform project that was funded by an ambassador and very close friend of Ronald Reagan's" along with "a bunch of conservative businessmen and civic leaders."
"Ultimately, I ended up learning about the fact that he had engaged in this reprehensible act 40 years ago, but I was eight years old at the time and I assumed that he had been rehabilitated," Obama said.
As Ben Smith from the Politico has reported.

What is funny to me is that even after in 2001, Bill Ayers stated that they "should have done more," as Bernadine Dohrn has stated as well, he never really spoke out against them until after he was campaigning for President. What I find interesting is that Leonore Annenberg, the wife of Walter Annenberg of the Annenberg Foundations, has endorsed John McCain. Why can't Obama be a man and admit that he was wrong and showed bad judgement when choosing to associate with Ayers? Why? Because he does not see a problem with it, I mean in his book "Dreams From my Father" on page 100, he does say "To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists."

So who were these Marxist Professors? Professors like William Ayers? It is clear that he knew, and would have sought the approval of professors like Ayers. Remember, he did not want to be seen as a sellout.

Barack Obama Quotes....

Right Wing News has put up it's Barack Obama in Quotes 3.0. Pretty interesting things he, his wife, and associates have said.

First say it was your idea, then say its his bad idea...

The Obama campaign sent out an email on Tuesday after the debate stating that “McCain today said he had a new plan to allow the Treasury to purchase and restructure mortgages. The truth is that this is not a new proposal and is already part of the rescue plan that was signed into law. It was Obama, not McCain who called for this move two weeks ago.”

So as we have seen from the Obama campaign in the past, he takes credit for everything. He was against the Iraq War, even though he was not a Senator, he wrote a letter warning about sub prime mortgages yet that letter has never been released.

Then, in a turn of events, when I guess no one believed that it was his idea they decided to change their strategy. Obama's economic advisor, Jason Furman, came out and stated the following: “Since this (sic) beginning of this crisis, Barack Obama has demanded that any rescue plan must protect taxpayers and ensure that they share in any profit once the economy recovers, and he worked to include that principle in the plan that passed Congress. John McCain’s plan to overpay for bad mortgages by handing taxpayer dollars over to big financial institutions is erratic policy making at its worst, and it’s not the change we need to strengthen our economy, create new jobs and keep Americans in their homes.”

What is funny is that this is a horrible plan, one that was already included in the $700 Billion bailout. The one they both voted for. The one true conservatives have spoken out against. It is not Obama's plan, it is Henry Paulson and Bush's plan. I find it so interesting that Obama can shift positions so quickly and frequently just to appease someone. It goes to show that he is not a candidate of change, he is a typical politician.

Our future....

I have been thinking (and losing sleep) over the future of this country. If Obama is elected, we will be electing a President with self admitted Marxist ideologies. Even scarier is that Congress can be in complete control of the Democrats with no one to balance the power. The Democrats currently hold 49 seats in the Senate, with Sen. Bernie Sanders and Sen. Lieberman caucusing with the Democrats, it gives them the majority of 51. The Republicans have 49 seats, and have 23 of them up for election this year, out of the total 35 whose terms are up. Five of the 23 Republicans are retiring. Democrats are leading in five of the races, and are virtually tied in seven others. If the Democrats were to hold 60 seats or more they will have completely control over the Senate, with the Republicans not having any filibuster power whatsoever. This means that the Democrats do not have to debate any of the bills or topics, they can all go straight to vote, and they hold the power to pass the bills the desire. Tie this in with a Democrat in the White House, one who is a known socialist, and we can have a catastrophe.

This has kept me up at night, it is something that is un-American, because the system is not meant for all of the power to be held by one party. If you couple this with Judge and Justice appointments, ones who legislate from the bench, and it could be the end of "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness." The further this country strays from the Constitution, the worse off we are. The Constitution is a timeless document that is currently being turned into toilet paper by politicians. The Democrats are especially at fault, but Republicans are not free of blame. The bailout bill is just the beginning of the end, if this country takes the path in which it is headed, it will be worse that the Great Depression, and worse that the Jimmy Carter era. It is time to take our country back, and put the power back in the People's hands.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Chuckie Schumer...

Senator Chuck Schumer stated that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has turned into an extension of the right wing. He attributed this to a pattern of contributions from the organization. While not necessarily true, I think this is a very bad time for Sen. Schumer to say this. For if we use Senator Schumer's logic Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac would then be extensions of the left wing, due to their obvious contributions to the Democrats, in large amounts. And due to that, the failure of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac can be blamed on the party they are an extension of. The liberals are always yapping, and their brains, unfortunately work a little slower than their mouths.

Obama and the New Chicago Party.....

No Quarters has an interesting article about more of Obama's radical associations. It seems that he sought approval and associated with both the Chicago New Party, and the Chicago Democratic Socialist Party.

It seems Obama attended meetings with the Socialist party, and even is quoted about redistribution of wealth. See the Agenda here.

Ayers and the World Education Forum...

Ayers, as late as November of 2006, visited Venezuela to attend the World Education Forum, invited by Hugo Chavez and Vice President Luis Rangel. Bill Ayers blogged about the event on his page, which I have linked Comrades!

Here are little snipets of his speech if you don't want to read it:

"President Hugo Chavez, Vice-President Vicente Rangel, Ministers Moncada and Isturiz, invited guests,comrades. I’m honored and humbled to be here with you this morning. I bring greetings and support from your brothers and sisters throughout Northamerica. Welcome to the World Education Forum! Amamos la revolucion Bolivariana!"

I guess, comrades, I really don't have to paste anymore. Did Obama not know about this either?


The son of Mike Kernell, a Democrat State Representative from Tennessee has been indicted in the hacking of Sarah Palin's email. Rep. Kernell states that he had nothing to do with the incident. I just find it funny how the left can get away with whatever they want. If this would have been a Republican Senator's son, or if McCain would have sat for 20 years in a White Separatist church, or McCain would have purchased his house with the assistance of a convicted felon, or if McCain would have launched his political career and served on two boards with a domestic terrorist, all hell would have broken loose.

The liberals can really make me sick sometimes...

The Politico's Ben Smith has a blog out about Missouri Senator, and lib, Claire McCaskill. Last night she was interviewed by MSNBC following the debate. When it was Mitt Romney's turn to sit in her chair, her assistants helped her take off the wires, and as she handed Romney the earpiece she stated to Romney "I spit on this before I put it in," with a smile. Who disgusting must one be? Liberals can really make me sick.


The debate last night was horrible. It was boring, and really lacked substance. This debate was supposed to be one of the more lively ones, "A Townhall Debate with questions from real Americans." Is that so? Then why would they pick the same boring questions? The only points I found interesting were that Obama admitted he would sit with Mahmoud without preconditions, and that he will be raising taxes for some small businesses. I recall Clinton stating he would "lower taxes on the middle class" only to actually raise them when he was elected. McCain also wants the government to buy down bad loans, seriously? If we keep putting all of these expensive band-aids on the economy, it will really fall hard in a few years, and we will undoubtedly enter a long period of economic depression. There were no winners last night, and the real losers are the American People, especially those of us who wasted two hours of our lives on that debate.

On a separate note, AIG spent $440,000 on spa and hotel accommodations for their top employees AFTER they were bailed out. Where is the accountability? Where are the fiscal conservatives? Where are the Reagan Republicans? We need to stand up and take politicians out of Washington, and replace them with real Americans. Our Founding Fathers are turning in their graves as they see what this country has become. The further we stray from the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, the further we fall on the downward spiral that seems to be the future of this country.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Stanley Kurtz, and National Review Online has a great article on ACORN. It also links to Mr. Kurtz's article which demonstrates the ties between Obama and ACORN.

California's 8th District

I honestly should not feel bad for California's 8th District, but I imagine that some, and I use that term lightly, conservatives live there. The district has voted Democrat since 1952, and has elected Nancy Pelosi since 1992 as their Representative. With Pelosi's approval rating as low as her book sales, she might not get reelected, but what are their other choices you might ask? Well, Dana Walsh is the Republican ticket, and Philip Berg is the Libertarian on the ballot. The left wing media has stated though that the race is really between Pelosi and another individual, good ol' Cindy Sheehan. It is laughable, but also really sad, when those are your two main choices, why not just move. Forget the fact that the housing market and economy is bad, just let your house foreclose, and move, maybe the bailout package will let you keep your house even if you don't pay.

I understand that this is old news, but the AP ran a story about her.

Go to Dana Walsh's website and donate. It would be great if we could oust Nancy Pelosi.

SNL Skit: Soros and the Sandlers

This is really scary, George Soros and the Sandlers, three huge liberals, are having every video of the SNL Skit from Saturday, taken down. The liberals and their censorship is really scary. Speak up people, or you might just lose your voice. Obama has already been up to the same antics. I will try to get the video from another source and repost it.

NBC Edited the skit and You Tube will not allow for it to be embedded, so here is the link

Update:The video has been taken down again. The Democrats will stop at nothing to censor the truth about them.

Obama's Writings and Books on Tape

Dan Caplis, researched and wrote out his report on what he calls "The Obama Tapes." Whether one supports Obama, or not, this is a very interesting read that should not be ignored.

Monday, October 6, 2008


The liberals have not come out of left field with their response to the William Ayers association. They are responding with Todd Palin's association with the Alaskan Independence Party. Todd Palin was a a member of that party, and according to the Party's website "Todd Palin was registered as a member but never participated in any party activities aside from attending a convention in Wasilla at one time." And I have read up on the Party and will admit that I do not approve of some of their ideology, mostly the idea of Alaska seceding from the United States. Their leader, Joe Vogler, was dead by the time Todd Palin joined, therefore no association could be made.

I guess this could be compared to Michelle Obama stating that for the first time in her adult life she was proud of this country. It only took her husband running for President for that to occur. Another comparison that could be made is to that of Jeremiah Wright who has consistently voiced his dislike of the United States, and White people. The difference is that Todd Palin was not an active member, and was only a member for a few years. Obama sat in those pews for over 20 years and had no problem with what was being said. And not until the Jeremiah Wright controversy popped up did he renounce the church. Also, Obama wrote in his books about how Jeremiah Wright was a mentor, and even titled one of his books after a sermon by him. So let's say that we can, even though they are not, evens. How can that be compared to Ayers?

How can one compare an affiliation to a party that wants to secede from the U.S. for God knows what reason, be compared to a terrorist who wanted to kill Americans and stated that "they did not do enough." It is appalling to think that anyone can make this comparison in their head, and it make sense. A murdered who killed police officers and wanted to bomb Government buildings, how is this comparable?

In times of desperation, and for fear of the truth, the mind can be tricked into believing even the most extraordinary of fallacies.

Update: Seriously? David Axelrod, who runs the Obama campaign said that at the time when William Ayers was helping launch Obama's career, and serving on boards with him, he did not know the history about William Ayers. Seriously? And even if he did not have an idea, wouldn't you denounce him once you became aware?

Even in an Economic Crisis...

Even in an economic crisis, Fannie Mae has still not learned how to conduct business. It seems that all one must do to get out of paying for their mortgage is shoot themselves. Although, I feel bad for the lady, it does seem odd that since 1997 when she took out a loan against the house, she has refinanced several times. This teaches us two things: (1) If you are being foreclosed on non-lethally shoot yourself, and (2) Fannie Mae has yet to learn anything, even through the embarrassing crisis it is going through.

Note: If Obama is elected, your 2nd Amendment rights might go away, so it might be wise to purchase your gun before January 20th if there is a possibility of your home being foreclosed on.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Obama and the Chicago Annenburg Challenge

CNN tried to state that Palin's comments were untrue. Well Obama served on the board of the Chicago Annenburg Challenge with Ayers. The basis for CNN calling the claim false is that Ayers is no longer involved in any terrorist activities, although in 2001 he stated that they should have done more. And any person who was once a terrorist is always a terrorist. If Osama Bin Laden stops his involvement in terrorist activities, then in 40 years states that he should have done more, should we not consider him a terrorist any longer? I would. He held a fundraiser for Obama when he was running for Senate. And they also served on a second board together. So how could they determine this to be a false claim? I do not understand.

Palin's Obama Comments

Sarah Palin came out strong, stating what we have all been wanting to hear, Obama's ties to radicals, and his dislike of America. The video can be seen here . But now, the liberal media has said that "Palin's words carry racial tinge." How? Sarah Palin is stating the truth, yet the media is playing the race card. I believe that most Americans have no issue with electing a black President, but I do believe that many Americans have a big problem with electing Obama. Why? A few names come to mind, names like Saul Alinsky, William Ayers, and Jeremiah Wright. The media is so in the tank that any mention of these individuals and they will result in playing the race card. It is a politics of fear. The liberals plan on making every American who does not support Obama, feel like a racist. It is appalling that they have to resort to this behavior.

Obama and the media have done a very good job at trying to sweep his past under the rug, and have even tried to censor those who have tried to speak about this. It is incredible to me how there are some that do not realize that Obama is a socialist, and how we can become the United Socialist-States of America. Obama was voted most liberal Senator, even while Bernie Sanders, a self described Socialist, served alongside him. Obama actually helped Bernie Sanders campaign for the Senate, and Sanders is not even a part of the Democratic Party, he is an independent Socialist from the state of Vermont.

Does the Obama campaign think Americans are stupid? I think that it is obvious. And I believe people will realize, if they have not already, that he is not the right direction for this country to go in.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Congratulations America!!!

The Federal Government is now the biggest landlord in the world! And the DOW dropped by 260 points as the news comes out. It is barely in the green now.

VP Debate

I have to say that I was really impressed by last night's debate. Three things in particular really impressed me. I was surprised to see Joe Biden not make a big gaffe, it really did seem as if he was told to just stick to backing Obama, and not to think for himself, but overall he did a decent job (Even though he lied about what he has said in the past and how he has changed his mind). Gwen Ifill was very impartial, but then again when you every word is about to be scrutinized, wouldn't you be? And Sarah Palin came out strong and as a non-politician.

I am proud to support Sarah Palin. One of the great things about this nation is that one does not have to be a politician to run this country. This country needs to have Elder Statesmen, but it does not need life long politicians, and there is a big difference between the two. Sarah Palin is an ordinary citizen, and it shows, I believe it is her unrefined and human characteristics that make her appealing. This country has long been run down by the typical politician, even if they try to run on a platform of change. Rush Limbaugh said it best "You can put a suit on a community organizer, but you can't make him Presidential," or human.

I loved Sarah Palin's closing arguments, she quoted Ronald Reagan, and I believe it was very powerful. "It was Ronald Reagan who said that freedom is always just one generation away from extinction. We don't pass it to our children in the bloodstream; we have to fight for it and protect it, and then hand it to them so that they shall do the same, or we're going to find ourselves spending our sunset years telling our children and our children's children about a time in America, back in the day, when men and women were free."

It is clear that the liberals will attack her from every direction and scrutinize her every move, but do not be alarmed for it is out of fear. Dorothy Thompson, the Conservative American Writer, once said "The most destructive element in the human mind is fear. Fear creates aggressiveness."

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Gwen Ifill and her cousin

Gwen Ifill's cousin, Sherrilyn Ifill, a Law Professor at the University of Maryland, was quoted in a local Maryland paper, The Community Times, “From the first day, Palin presented herself as shooting a bear in the morning, field dressing it, cooking up the breakfast, diapering the babies, passing legislation in the afternoon, cleaning the house, satisfying her husband, etc., etc., etc. And it’s just not true,” she wrote in an e-mail interview. “It’s hard to be an average working mom, really hard. And when women who are privileged present as though they have it all together, it’s offensive to black women.”

She continues “black women are not easily confused by false claims to feminism. When women like Palin lay claims to ‘representing’ average women, I think that black women have a visceral reaction to it.”

She thinks that Sarah Palin “missed her opportunity when she announced Bristol’s pregnancy to explicitly talk about how painful it was to her as a mother - instead of making it as though this too was also part of her perfect life."

“Hillary has the sympathy of women because of what she went through with Bill in front of the whole country. Michelle [Obama] takes pains to be self-deprecating and to talk about her concerns and fear about her girls. She insists that she couldn’t do what she does without the help of her mother. Most importantly, both champion issues that affect the lives of real, average women - universal health care, equal pay, choice, etc. To do so is a recognition that real working women (not political wives or politicians) need policies that will help them maintain their families. What’s the point of Palin’s brand of feminism if it doesn’t translate into real returns for average women?”

Ted Graham, from News Busters, states the following:
"Gwen Ifill’s family pride came through in her monthly online chat on October 4, 2007:
Pittsburgh, Pa.: Is Professor Sherrilyn Ifill at the University of Maryland Law School, who's spoken out so eloquently and thoughtfully on symbols of racial hatred lately, any relation to you?
Gwen Ifill: She is indeed my brilliant baby cousin, and the author of an excellent book 'On the Courthouse Lawn: Confronting the Legacy of Lynching in the 20th Century.' "

Obama's Campaign Financing

Ken Timmerman from News Max authored a great article regarding Obama's Campaign Financing and the FEC's investigation. Click the link to read the story;

The Housing Bill Passed which was approved by the Senate

With two candidates, one for so called "Change," and the other a supposed Maverick, I expected to see at least one them come out against this bill, but they both voted for it. It would have been a great time for McCain to have stepped up and said "This bill does not do anything for the American People, and quite honestly might not even fix the economy." Nobody is sure, but the free market COULD HAVE corrected itself, and if the House passes the bill, then I guess we will never know. Companies that still have Capital are acquiring other companies and growing, so the economy as a whole has not stopped, and nor will it. McCain has spoken out against earmarks and pork barrel spending, and Obama loved those two things until he announced he was running for President. In a way, Obama lives up to his, well, ears, when it comes to earmarks.

I skimmed through the entire 451 Bailout plan, which from my understanding started off at 3 pages some time last week. This bill will pretty much make the U.S. the biggest landlord in the world. The bill itself mentions that the Federal Government will, hold, control or own the mortgages. If they own the mortgage, then they pretty much own the house until it is paid off, this is scary. Within the contents of the bill were, some items which I honestly am not quite sure how they would help the economy. I have listed these interesting bits below:

-The FDIC Insurance does go up, this helps out the people more psychologically than anything else, but only through 12/31/2009. I thought the whole reason for the increase was to account for inflation since the coverage has been $100K since the 1970's.

-There are tons of Energy Tax Credits, but really nothing about drilling or our energy Independence, so it is just a waste of time and pages.

-They extended the FUTA Surtax for two years, this is a surtax that costs employers roughly $14 per year, per employee. Aren't we trying to create jobs here? (Sec. 404)

-The "Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund Tax" was increased, don't we have a "energy crisis?" They raised the tax by 3 cents per barrel through 2016, and 4 cents after that. I mean it is only pennies, but doesn't every penny count? (Sec. 405)

-The extended an Economic Development Credit for American Samoa. I don't even know what to say. (Sec. 309)

-They extended the tax credit for mine rescue team training and the election to expense advanced mine safety equipment. I am all for safety, but why is this inserted into this bill? (Sec. 310 &311)

-There is a section on railroad track maintenance which is not too specific, but again I have no idea why this is in this bill. (Sec. 316)

Now it starts to get interesting:

-Seven year cost recovery period for motorsports racing track facility. Seriously? Someone decided they had to appeal to their Nascar fan constituents? (Sec. 317)

-(By far my favorite) Extension and Modification of Duty Suspension on Wool Products, and Wool Duty Refunds. This also helps the Wool Research Trust Fund. This one is priceless. I was not aware that wool products and their research had a trust fund. Everyone run and get your wool sweaters, now Duty Free! (Sec. 325)

-I wonder which party put this in the bill? (Please note the sarcasm) They have tax deductions for film and television productions. I did not know that liberal hollywood and the media was hurting. (Sec. 502)

-Another good one. There is an excise tax exemption, and this is how it is worded, "for certain wooden arrows designed for use by children." This applies to the shaft only, and they cannot be larger than 5/16 of inch in diameter. (Sec. 503)

-There is also a section regarding taxpayers who receive qualified settlements from the Exxon Valdez oil spill. It states that when they pay taxes, the income source "shall be treated as engaged in a fishing business." (Sec. 504)

-There are 57 pages on Natural Disaster Relief and funding for Special Projects on Federal Land, which honestly I did not read because, again it was 451 pages.

-The last item I noticed bothered me, it was 34 pages, these 34 pages were titled the "Paul Wellstone and Pete Domenici Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008." I see the importance of a bill like this (Relating more to the mental health than to the addiction aspect of it). According to this insertion into the bailout plan, health care insurances must treat mental health and addictions equal to regular medical care. They cannot make payments higher and cannot offer stricter treatment limitations than to ordinary medical coverage. This does not belong in this bill, this is something that they knew would not be passed on it's own, therefore they shoved it into the bailout. So health care costs will now rise, because of addicts, that is how I see it.

We were in such "dire need" to pass this bill quickly otherwise we would go into a depression, this according to Congress and the President. Well they have taken a week longer than expected and nothing, we are still here. The bill passed the Senate, and the Dow is still down close to 300 points. Both Republicans and Democrats are wrong on passing this bill, and the pork shoved into it goes to show you, that maybe these are the wrong people to oversee and control the economy. These are the same people who got us into this mess. Chris Dodd and Barnie Frank are front and center on this bailout, yet they were the two leading the economy on this downward spiral. How can we expect THEM to fix this?

Update: I guess I missed one earlier, there is also a tax brake for people who ride their bicycles to work.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Chinese Products

Over the past year, products manufactured in China have raised more than a few eyebrows. Whether it was the lead paint in toys, or the melamine in dog food, or the current crisis regarding melamine in milk. It has not only affected the Chinese people, but Cadbury chocolates have even been affected. While the Chinese are making billions of American dollars by selling their products, it is coming with a big risk. And now, with the failing economy, it is the perfect time to begin to buy American. I can honestly not see why I would not pay an extra few cents for American products, I will get a little bit better quality, I will be helping the economy, and I avoid being contaminated by anything the Chinese could be putting into their products. It just makes sense.

Gwen Ifill, The VP Debate Moderator

It has come out that Gwen Ifill, the supposed moderator for the first VP Debate on Thursday night is, surprise surprise, a big Obama supporter. How can one possibly moderate a debate when they are in bed with one of the campaigns? Gwen Ifill is so in the tank for Obama, that even before he has been elected, and with no certainty that he will, has written a book due to come on Inauguration Day. The book titled The Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama, is set to come out January 20th, 2009. It chronicles Obama's campaign, and I imagine she has a chapter or two about him winning, which hopefully she will have to rewrite. So if a moderator is not a moderate, then how could she do her job properly? She had already shown partisanship in 2004 when John Edwards (The cheater) and Dick Cheney debated, but this election is so much more important to our future. An Obama win could symbolize the first Socialist President of the United States, and we cannot risk that. I believe Gwen Ifill should withdraw as moderator of this event, the liberals would never let us get away with having Ann Coulter as a moderator for a debate, which would be hilarious, so why could they get away with it?

Obama, Consistently Late...

I thought Politicking was illegal, the polls are an arms reach away...

Take his word for it, he didn't have the experience to run in 2008...

Bar None the best video on the net. Zo says what a lot of us feel...

Sec. 42, What is Changenism? He also said we should spend more...

Similarities between Obama and Ayers...

What Just Happened?...

Biden, How many letters in the word jobs? I think your campaign is full of the last 2...

Obama's Youth on the Parade...

Someone at CNN has integrity....

Spread the Wealth, Obama will punish your success...

Obama spent 1000 Sundays...

CNN found a grain of journalistic integrity...

Farrahkan speaks on Obama "The Messiah"...

The Obama Campaign, full of gaffes...

How could Obama not have known? He worked with Bernardine Dorhn, a Weather Underground Terrorist

The Obama Youth. Brainwashed kids is really sad to see.

Barney Frank gets lit up by O'Reilly...

Wow, the truth is leaking out thanks to You Tube

Wow, The Obama Youth. Only Communists have ever had that, Hitler's Youth, Castro, Chavez

Blame Dem. Barney Frank, not Bush

What are the two mortgage agencies called Obama?

Old, but Good. The President should know how many states are in the union.

So Obama, tell us who has the most negative attack ads...

Joe Cook, We Thank You! This was not paid for by the McCain campaign.

Bush was not alone, Biden said we should go in too. Obama was a Community Organizer at the time.