McCain and Palin, it sounded like a winning ticket, but it did not take long for the angry left, and the angry media to begin rolling out the insults and lies. How desperate is the left when all they could do is attack poor Bristol Palin, in something that has absolutely nothing to do with this campaign or with Sarah Palin. This ladies and gentlemen, is a sign of how desperate, and immoral the left is. The next attack was about Sarah Palin's husband, and a DUI that he received in the 1980's. Al Gore's son received a DUI during his Presidential run in 2000, yet that was never heard. Joe Biden's son is now involved in a hedge fund that is fishy and questionable, yet the media has yet to report that. Barack H. Obama's own mother was 18 and unwed at the time of his birth, but that is not an issue. This is so sickening, this is the same left that would give Bristol the option to abort this human life without having to tell her parents, but they would be more approving of that that of her wanting to keep the baby and marry the father.
This is what this campaign has boiled down to:
The media has fallen in love with Obama, and will do anything to assure his success. US Weekly is going to publish next week's issue with Sarah Palin and the headline "Babies, Lies and Scandal," all the while having issued an article earlier this year with The Obamas and the headline "Why he Barack loves her." The media and left has done anything they can to censor any talk of William Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, and Father Pfleger, not one mention of Louis Farrakhan and his association with Barack, and the Rezko real estate deal has been more than shunned. Obama is almost like the Manchurian Candidate, posing in front of his Greek Palace setting, like a rock star, in the media of InRezco field. Comments made by Joe Biden, and Hillary Clinton last year regarding Obama's inexperience have been completely forgotten, the taped evidence burned. Obama's two autobiographies, both written by the age of 47 by someone who has accomplished nothing, have never been quoted. This country can make the biggest mistake of it's life in electing Obama, and although they feel they cannot lose, they will talk down to the country if he is not. America should prepare to be called racist bigots if he is not elected, because the left is an insulting group who cannot look past race themselves. For Left is now ready to crucify a 17 year old girl, because it cannot find any intelligent discourse to counter McCain's selection of Palin.
If this is the start of their war of insults and immoral attacks, I cannot imagine what they will ramp their attacks up to once they begin to slip in the polls. Any woman should be proud of what Governor Palin has accomplished, and what she can accomplish if elected. Yet the left cannot look past the fact that she is conservative. This proves that Hilary Clinton and Obama are just a novelty to the left, a way to further their radical agenda in a package that makes history. If this were not true, then the nomination of Governer Palin would be applauded by them.
The covers below were also recently brought into light, too bad the liberal media never published any covers with John Edwards and has love child on it. Or maybe a photo of him and Elizabeth Edwards stating the truth of that case (How he cheated on his wife while she was going through cancer treatment, how he fathered a love child while married, or better yet how his lover was paid through campaign finances). Bristol Palin is not running for VP, her mother is, yet John Edwards was running for President. Or how about the Rev. Jesse Jackson's love child? That sort of behavior from the left is considered acceptable, even if they are not reverend acts. Stark contrasts.
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